Sallie's Fen Fibers, LLC

Please contact Sallie Whitlow with any questions:

186 Swain Rd
Barrington, NH 03825
Phone: (603) 664-5237
Directions to the mill

The mill is not accepting new customers at this time.
Mill will close early 2027. Fiber will not be accepted after September 2026. Hope this gives current customers time to find another mill. Can not offer any recommendations. Belfast Mini-mills would be a good source for finding mini mills in the New England area.

New pricing for processing will apply
to all fiber received after April 1, 2019

Order Form

Click for details

About Us
We provide custom minimill processing of YOUR fiber
into beautiful yarn, roving, batts and bumps.

Sallie has been in love with natural fibers for as long as she can remember. She is a knitter and long-time hand spinner. She first became interested in alpacas (back in 1994) through working with their beautiful fleece. The mill mostly processes alpaca, but also processes other fibers including: wool, mohair, angora, and cashmere. The mill has been operating for 10 years and with time and experience we are better at producing an outstanding product. Each lot is processed according to its own merits.

If you are new to fiber processing and skirting your fleeces, please look at the links below for guidance and suggestions about how to properly skirt your fleeces before you submit them to the mill.


Preparing your fiber (what WE expect)

click image for more info

  • 4 lb raw fiber minimum per lot for spinning. (For lots less than 4 lbs, the spinning cost will be for minimum 4 lbs)
  • Roving/batts/bumps please send at least 1 lb of raw fiber.
  • Staple length of fiber must at least 3 in but no longer than 6 in. See ruler on order form.
We expect all fleeces to be skirted. Do NOT send shearer’s ‘blanket’. Please take the time to remove the ‘other’ fiber around the outside of the blanket area. See skirting diagram link above. The feel of the yarn and or roving will be no better than the coarsest fiber present.
  • Only the blanket/prime/1st’s are suitable for yarn processing.
  • We DO NOT process leg or belly fiber.
  • Remove all muddy and/or poopy fiber, as the washing does not remove mud or poop.
  • Remove fiber with excessive vegetation. If it crunches, toss it out.
  • Alpaca cria fleeces: In order to make the best yarn from these fleeces, keep the fleeces clean. It is very difficult to remove vegetation from cria fleeces. We suggest shearing the cria by the time they are 1 month old. If this is not possible, cover the fleece (i.e., Rocky sheep coats) over the winter and spring. Each animal usually requires 2 to 3 different sized coats but will last for many years and can be reused. Cria fleeces will be dehaired prior to carding if they were not shorn around 1 month old as this removes dead tips.
  • No musty smelling fleeces
  • Keep nail/hoof trimmings away from fiber. If nail or hoof bits are found in the fiber, fiber will be returned. Wait to do the trimming until the fiber has been collected. Sweep area after each animal.
  • Please fill out a separate order form for each lot.
  • For information regarding blending fiber options please explore Ashland Bay and Foxglove Fibers.

Fiber processing (what YOU can expect)

What you can expect when you send your fiber to us:
  • We will communicate via email with you during the time your fiber is with us. Please respond to our questions to ensure timely processing. Upon receipt, your fiber will be evaluated for staple length, vegetation and cleanliness. You ‘order’ will be added to the production calendar, given an approximate completion date (approximately 6 months from when the fiber ARRIVES at the mill) and an estimate of processing cost.
  • 50% deposit required prior to the start of processing.
  • Upon completion of your order we will send you a final invoice.
  • We are happy to advise on processing ideas if the customer has an idea of what is a desired final product. (i.e. yarn to sell, yarn for personal use, other…)
  • Note to customers: Outstanding accounts will be assessed a 5% charge on any balance due over 30 days and for each additional 30-day period the account goes unpaid. Fiber/yarn from accounts unpaid after 30 days will become the property of Sallie's Fen Fibers LLC.

Processes at the mill:
After the fiber arrives at the mill, all fiber will be washed in-house. Then, depending on the desired final product and order form specifications, the fiber will proceed through some or all of the following processes on the flow chart below. Please refer to Belfast Minimills (follow the link below in Contact Us) for details on each machine.

Dehairing: Our fiber separator improves the "Comfort Factor" of your product significantly! It achieves this by removing prickly guard hair, as well as most vegetation and short "second cuts". Loss can vary from less than 10% to as much as 50% depending on the quality and cleanliness of your fiber, but you end up with a much more skin-friendly and valuable result.


Please contact Sallie Whitlow with any questions

186 Swain Rd Barrington, NH 03825
Phone: (603) 664-5237